Category Archives: Uncategorized

Android Box Nvidia Shield
android-box-nvidia-shield How to Install IPTV on Android Box/Nvidia Shield? Launch Google Play Store from your device and then type IPTV Smarters pro in the search bar option. Press the search icon...
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Smart Phoneandroid ios tab
Smart Phoneandroid ios tab Go to your App Store/Playstore Search “IPTV Smarters PRO” By WHMCS Smarters If you couldn’t find it on your AppStore you can follow this alternative method....
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Enigma2 using xtreamtv plugin
Enigma2 using xtreamtv plugin Step 1: Start by downloading the necessary items. Download the XtreamTV Plugins and DCC_E2 (Dreambox Control Center for Enigma2), extract both of the files and open DCC_E2. After opening the DCC_E2,...
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firestick IPTV Smarters Pro is listed on Google Play Store and Apple App Store for Android and iOS mobiles respectively, Amazon Store does not host it. Therefore, if you want...
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formulerz The FormulerZ Boxes have both Mac and ID, you can find the MAC address in the catalog of the device or in the back of the box. It is a number like this MAC: 00:1E:B8:XX:XX: XX,...
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Vlc Player
Vlc Player Download VLC media player from and follow the steps and Install VLC Media Player. You can download it for different Operating Systems here: after you download and install VLC...
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Buzztv Step 1: On the main menu, click on “Settings” as depicted in the below picture Step 2: Now click on “Servers” and proceed to the next step. Step 3: Now you must...
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Mag Device
Mag Device Step 1: When the box is being loaded the main portal screen appears. After that click on “settings”, press the remote button “SETUP/SET”. Step 2: Then press on...
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Smartstb Step 1:  From the app market on your smart tv search, find, and install Smart STB App. After that, we can initiate the time for testing. To do that we first...
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